You wouldn’t know it but there are five people in our family. The Small Boy seems to think there is just one. Him. And that the world revolves around him. He’s only three so we’ll let him off.
This picture illustrates exactly how he thinks he’s the centre of the universe! There are four other people in this picture too. Can you see them?!

#WickedWednesday 3rd August 2016
Happy Wednesday folks, half way through week two of the summer holidays! #Keepcountingdown!
(*The lovely BrummyMummyof2 shares her favourite #wickedwednesdays picks of the week over on her blog…so if you’re feeling like the only one who’s dealing with this sort of shizzle, then check out the links, for you’re not alone!)
Follow: Me (Harrogate Mama) on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram
Haha Harry is exactly like this too X #wickedeednesdays
They love to be the centre of attention, all the time!