What I learned from taking the InstaRetreat course

Sara Tasker from Me & Orla hosts the InstaRetreat a couple of times a year. The six week course covers all things Instagram. The course has been on my wish list since Sara launched it in 2019 and the next one launches on 23rd January 2023.

2022 was the year I finally committed. I signed up to learn from Sara, UK Instagram expert, and I totally loved it!

What I learned;

1 – The InstaRetreat is as relevant today as it was in 2019

While Instagram has changed SO much over the past four years the learnings are still all relevant. How to build a profile, set your grid and value your audience are themes that will never change, despite the mechanism for delivery. The course takes you through these elements step by step giving you lots of chance to pause and think along the way.

2 – You get TWO weekly coaching calls

One coaching call is with Sara, about using Instagram and the second is with a Mindset Coach, Sally Hardie. One of the great things about the coaching calls is that you get to watch other people being coached, as well as applying for coaching yourself. Watching others being coached is very powerful, emotional and educational all at the same time!  My advice for you when you take the course is to apply to get coached. It’s exceptionally valuable!

If you enroll early you’ll get a FREE Instagram content ideas for a whole month

3 – You get to meet lots of other likeminded people

As part of the InstaRetreat you can be added to a Facebook group. Now if you’re thinking, that’s not for me, you’d be surprised. As a member in the group you can share ideas, ask questions and get supported by lots of other like-minded folks – which are hard to come-by in day to day life! You’re also a member of for as long as you’d like to be. So you can benefit from new people joining the group over the years.

4 – By the final week I had reached the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the course!

After setting out my ‘why’ for Instagram at the start of the InstaRetreat, it helped me focus on what I wanted to achieve. By the end of the course for me it meant for me I was working with more brands I wanted to collaborate with, and I started earning some reasonable money to help out with Christmas too. I was amazed how my Instagram confidence grew over the course!

5 – You get out what you put in

Sara holds you hand through the Instagram course, and there are lots of opportunities to have questions answered and apply for coaching. The bulk of the work is self-led and I found setting aside time for something I wanted to improve at is definitely a game-changer. Holding the space for Instagram, committing to learning new skills and delivering what you say you’re going to is very much up to you, but so worthwhile when you do!

6 – You get to be part of the InstaRetreat Forever!

If you start the course and have to drop out for some reason (health/children/work) you can join in with any other course running in the future and you can repeat the course as many times as you like! You’re also a member of the Facebook group forever too, meaning you can access coaching calls for each new InstaRetreat too.

Find out more

You can find out more about the InstaRetreat on Sara Tasker’s website. The start for the next course is 23rd January 2023. I met Sara (and Orla) a few years ago at a Bettys event and she’s as lovely to know now, as she was then.

If you’re thinking about taking the course and want to ask me anything drop me and email or a DM and I’d be happy to share my experiences with you!

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