2022 A Year of Thankfulness

While New Year is a time for new beginnings I feel it’s also a time for reflection. I create a calendar every year for my own Mama and I love making it. It’s a chance to look back over the year, be grateful and remember the lovely things we’ve done.

January 2022 didn’t start well

January 2022 didn’t start well for me, I struggled through round eight of chemo and to say I didn’t feel well is just a massive understatement. So the year could only improve from there really, which was no bad thing.


By February half-term my hair started growing again, I started feeling stronger and with the help of my gorgeous friends and family I was being pieced back together.

The Unsung Heroes

It’s only when you’re at your lowest do you have the privilege of seeing the best in people.

I wanted to write this post to share with you the unsung heroes, the people who stepped up when no one was watching, to offer a helping hand and to support me, with nothing asked in return.

My friends and family are at the heart of this care and support of course, and those gorgeous people all know who they are and I won’t name them here. Other than to simply say I don’t have enough words to cover their unwavering, unflinching steadiness, love and kindness when I was most in need. If you think it’s you I’m talking about, then you’re right, it is!

Team Harrogate Mama

Those people from my ‘Harrogate Mama’ life who did go over and above I’d like to name out loud though. Those who gave a kind word here, and a thoughtful suggestion there has gone a long way to helping Harrogate Mama get back on her feet again, and I’m eternally grateful. And while you are all the team behind me, helping me along the way – there are a few special mentions I’d like to share…

My New Years Honours List

So here, if you will, is my New Years Honours list. From Harrogate Mama to those who went over and above in 2022. I am so thankful.


First up my gorgeous hairdresser Rachel at Ford + Black, who came to my parents house to cut my hair ahead of my first chemo. Rachel made a horrendous situation seem light and normal, and of course refused payment. Rachel is a beautiful soul inside and out and has continued to help me on my ‘hair journey’ ever since.


Bettys who put their trust in me with my first blogging invite back at their Cookery School event in March. They also so generously invited me and the family for afternoon tea as gesture of goodwill and support, with no other agenda than kindness.


The delightful Anna Mewes who got in touch to invite me in for a styling consultation with my new hair colour, and style. Anna was calm and kind, gentle and helpful and also asked for nothing in return. Anna helped me enormously in finding my confidence again and I’m so grateful.


I bumped into Sally Haslewood from Harrogate Mumbler on the blogging circuit when I first ventured back online. Sally was compassionate and kind, whilst still being friendly and professional. I’m sure she doesn’t realise how much her normalcy helped me. Thank you.


The lovely folk at Wonder Media reached out to me when my Instagram got hacked, just through sheer kindness offered their help behind the scenes – which meant the world to me.

Stockeld Park

I’d also like to thank Stockeld Park for inviting me and the family to visit. Just doing something nice, without any expectation in return was so valued when the whole family needed a boost.

Chrys and Steph

Finally and most recently, the brilliant Chrys Champan and Steph Simmons who teamed up to help me create some new images. In a time when I wasn’t feeling my best, they helped me navigate a difficult change and I’m so grateful for their talented approach to a delicate situation.


And for every one of you who has sent me a DM or said a kind word here and there, online or in person, I’m immensely grateful. I see you, it’s at times when things seem darkest you see the light and goodness in people. So thank you for your time and energy on looking out for me. It’s so valued. It’s true that people show their true colours during difficult times and I see every one of yours in their technicolour glory. And trust me, not everyone has it, and you that have, do.

Thank you!

Lucy xx

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