latest A ‘Murder on the Orient Express’ Party Invitation from Everyman Cinema October 18, 2017
To celebrate the most notorious murder mystery of all time, Everyman in Harrogate are inviting you to a special Murder on the Orient Express event, billed as a 'theatrical party full of intrigue' on Thursday 9th November.
harrogate mama events Harrogate Mama Movie Squad Fizz and Flicks Film Reveal… October 09, 2017
So the film you've picked as your stand out favourite to see at Everyman Cinema's private hire screen on Tuesday 7th November from 8pm for the first Harrogate Mama Movie Squad is...
family things to do ‘Start of Summer’ Kids Private Hire Party at Everyman Cinema August 04, 2017
We themed the cinema party the 'start of summer' and I worked with some amazing local Harrogate suppliers to deliver the gorgeous looking event!
latest Harrogate Odeon Celebrates 80 Years of History with £5 tickets! September 26, 2016
Harrogate Odeon cinema is celebrating its 80th Anniversary on Saturday 1st October. The cinema was built in 1936...
latest What the Launch Party of Harrogate’s Everyman Cinema was like! September 23, 2016
The bar is huge, with loads of seating space dotted all around the 360 degree central bar itself. The terrace is a good size with extra seating outside, it feels about time that Harrogate had an 'on trend' bar to enjoy and this felt like it hit the spot.
harrogate mama events Harrogate Mama ‘Bad Moms’ Movie Meet Up September 19, 2016
A couple of Saturdays ago 30 Harrogate Mamas had a great time when we all came together to watch a special screening of the hit comedy film 'Bad Moms' at Harrogate's Odeon cinema!
Harrogate Harrogate Odeon Cinema Family Deal and Kids Films Release Dates July 26, 2016
Here are the details of the movies coming to cinema over Harrogate for kids and their release dates along with a family price deal.
Harrogate Family Films for Free this Weekend! July 06, 2016
Harrogate International Festivals is hosting their annual Big Screen event over this coming weekend 9/10th July.
Harrogate What’s on at June Half Term in Harrogate for Kids May 23, 2016
With most of the local schools breaking up on Friday here are just a few ideas if you're looking to fill your time over the half term holidays.