Last week I went to the opening of the new Harrogate and Toy lending library. The charity has been up and running for over 27 years and it’s now found a new home at the The Old School Knaresborough, HG5 9AR, which is off Church Lane in Knaresborough and there’s plenty of parking in a car park there too!

Open three sessions a week in term time
The Library offers toy lending at it’s playgroup style set up on Tuesdays and Fridays 10am to noon and Wednesdays 12.45 – 2.45pm and is open to all families and their little ones. Including indoor and outdoor sessions, with crafts, sensory toys and a healthy snack and drink.

Toy Lending
There’s obviously the toy lending service too. It’s £20 a year to join the library and that means you can take home two toys, for two weeks, with toys suitable from birth to five years old.

There’s also a rate for childminders and pre-schools and schools too where you can loan six toys a week. There are hundreds of toys to choose from all in really great condition and well looked after.

Supported by local businesses
The charity’s new premises launch has been supported by lots of local organisations including Fodder – who provide all the healthy snacks for the Smalls, Taylors of Harrogate – who kindly donated the funds for some new toys and craft equipment and the Knaresborough Lions who organised and erected all the shelving in the new toy library.

Hurrah for charities like this supporting local families
I’d like to say a huge well done and thank you to all the volunteers at this charity for providing this amazing service for the families of Harrogate. As a Mama I know it’s groups like this that make a huge difference to my day to day life and help me enjoy my week just that little bit more!
For more details about the Toy Lending Library visit their Facebook page.