health & wellbeing Singapore’s Post Natal Fitness Specialist comes to Harrogate May 21, 2018
As well as being an expert PT Sam's also an experienced and qualified pre and post natal Pilates specialist and she’s now offering classes across Harrogate for Mamas.
love our locals Introducing OneWellness Harrogate; a new approach to wellbeing March 27, 2017
We all know looking after ourselves is the key to a happier, healthier life and OneWellness are around to help us do that in safer way.
health & wellbeing Three things that helped me get healthier February 14, 2017
Since starting my health kick in January I've been trying to exercise more and eat better. It's not really a 'rocket science' way to loose weight, but it works!
Here are three things that have helped me on way;
health & wellbeing Five things I’ve learnt from having a Personal Trainer February 09, 2017
I lost over five pounds in weight in three weeks and learnt that finding time for your health is hugely important as there really is nothing more important than your health!